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Depression & Ängste - Junge Selbsthilfe International

International Student Support Group

Gruppennummer: 221

Do you suffer from depression or anxiety?

We are a group of young people involved in various support groups in Aachen. We are convinced that it is particularly helpful to meet with people who made similar experiences. A support group gives you an opportunity to talk openly about your feelings in a non-judgemental environment. By joining our group you will make the experience that you are not alone!

If you are interested to participate please contact us:


Stichwörter:Depression, Ängste, Angst, englischsprachig, Internationale Gruppe, International Group, Anxiety, Junge Selbsthilfe
Turnus der Treffen:

alle 14-Tage Freitags digital

Zeitpunkt der Treffen:19:00 - 21:00 Uhr
1. Ansprechpartner/-in:
Name: Tamara

Kontakt über die akis der Volkshochschule Aachen

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Kontakt per Telefon 0241 / 49009
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